Image by Mike Hewson for The Conversation

This new ‘risky’ playground is a work of art – and a place for kids to escape their mollycoddling parents

Imagine this: a heap of colourful plastic buckets stacked on top of each other to form a climbable bridge, monolithic bluestone boulders holding up a contorted slide, a pile of concrete demolition debris moonlighting as a resting spot.

At every point, children can be seen swinging their bodies from warped, dented monkey bars and balancing along rope-webs strung between stones.

Would you let your kids come here and play? This new playground in Melbourne’s Southbank is the work of artist Mike Hewson. The project can be confusing for the public. Is it a playground? A sculpture? Or an unfinished piece of infrastructure?

Hewson’s playable public art parks in Sydney and Melbourne are known to be “risky” – but risk means different things to different people. And it’s exactly the risks his art takes that makes it so valuable.

Read the full article on The Conversation 


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