Stephanie Cheung | Editor

Stephanie Cheung obtained her Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. With a keen interest in urban development, she joined the social enterprise Urban Discovery and co-founded the NGO iDiscover Asia. Working towards the vision of boosting cultural capital to build stronger communities, Stephanie collaborated with private and public sectors in Hong Kong and a number of Asian cities to map cultural assets. She is involved in several social innovation and research projects in relation to community engagement, public space, cultural policies and building age-friendly communities.
Strategic and resourceful, Stephanie has managed community development and cultural mapping projects in Hong Kong, Philippines (Manila), Indonesia (Bali), and Malaysia (Penang) and created partnerships with like-minded partners to significantly grow the iDiscover brand as a tool for mapping and promotion of heritage districts in Hong Kong and across SE Asia.
She is the recipient of a Kwok Scholarship for Graduate Study at the University of Oxford, where she is currently undertaking a Master Degree in Public Policy.
In 2020, during her time as research assistant at the School of Architecture, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Stephanie cooperated with City Space Architecture as event manager for the online initiative ‘2020: A Year without Public Space under the COVID-19 Pandemic‘, promoted through The Journal of Public Space.