Photo by Ankit Jain

Studio Saar crowns Udaan Park with canopy of colourful birds

Architecture practice Studio Saar has refreshed a run-down and underused park in India with an accessible landscape and a canopy resembling a murmuration.

Located on the banks of the artificial Swaroop Sagar Lake in Udaipur (India), Udaan Park has been updated with the aim of enhancing its connection to the surrounding nature and water while making it more accessible and inclusive.

To revitalise the space, Studio Saar adapted its landscape and added a maze, games area and extensive planting. A colourful canopy stretches over one of its paths and references the migratory birds that are known to fly over the area in large numbers.

“Through the regeneration of the park, we wanted to introduce a sustainable, accessible and contemporary design that inspires the citizens of Udaipur to rediscover their sense of wonder and reconnect with nature,” managing partner Ananya Singhal told Dezeen.

Despite it being one of the city’s only publicly accessible open spaces, the rocky and uneven park was previously run-down and had little step-free access, resulting in a lack of visitors.

“It had been neglected over the years and had become very run down,” said Singhal. “Some interventions were made in the past, with rubble masonry steps and pathways that crisscrossed through the site, but it was not an attractive place for people to come to relax and discover the local wildlife.”

Read more on Dezeen.

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