Special Issue Launch: Press Conference Centre – World Urban Forum 11th Session

This press conference held at the 11th World Urban Forum in Katowice (2022) officially launched the special issue of The Journal of Public Space on “Universally Accessible Public Spaces for All”, developed by City Space Architecture in partnership with World Blind Union.

At WUF10, World Blind Union and City Space Architecture committed to develop, publish, and launch such an issue at WUF11. This was captured in the Abu Dhabi Declared Actions. The aim of the special issue is to support sharing of learnings, evidence-based practices, innovative solutions, and measures taken by cities and practitioners to ensure inclusive and accessible public spaces for all and support implementation of the New Urban Agenda in line with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and other human rights instruments and core development and humanitarian frameworks.

Watch the press conference on UN Media

Read the full issue of The Journal of Public Space here

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