Parklets: bringing communities together

A parklet is an old parking space that has been transformed into something for people to enjoy. There’s no such thing as a typical parklet; they can take many forms. They are great for bringing communities together, and providing some much-needed local green space. 

The current way our cities are structured means that we accept the harm that comes with cars. As part of our Car Free Cities campaign we want to help people reimagine their streets as places free from the harms of car dominance. Parklets are a great way to do this by giving space back to people and nature.

Parklets can be unique to your neighbourhood; with residents co-designing and maintaining them, they can increase peoples’ sense of belonging whilst meeting local needs. Parklets offer a place for children and adults to play outside and develop their independence. They can provide a space for those with mobility needs to rest, improve people’s access to greenery and public space, foster a stronger sense of community, whilst also being a place to learn new things. You can grow fruit and veg on them, use them as performance spaces or areas for outdoor learning, or even just have them as a simple patch of grass.


Read more on Possible.

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