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Fighting sexual harassment: how to foster accessible and safe public spaces

October 4 @ 10:0015:30 UTC+2 / Free

Policy Lab for Belgium (Français ci-dessous / Nederlands hieronder)

Research has shown that in Belgium, 91% of women aged 15-24 have experienced sexual harassment in public space, compared to 28% of young men. This systemic behaviour against women infringes on their right to the city and limits their ability to navigate public space freely, safely and comfortably.

The Policy Lab is open to practitioners and experts in the field of gender-sensitive education and sensitising measures as well as measures targeting physical infrastructures. The goal of the event is to allow a participatory exchange between experts and cities from various countries on this pertinent topic.

A political roundtable featuring representatives of Belgian federal and regional levels will close the event, thereby increasing the scope and strategic value of the discussion.

Language: Simultaneous in English, French and Dutch.

The event is open and the registration free of charge.

Read more about the event here.

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