Before I Die: A Memento Mori for the Modern Age

Before I Die is a global participatory public art project that reimagines our relationship with death and with one another in the public realm. Originally created by artist Candy Chang in New Orleans after the death of a loved one, the public artwork invites people to reflect and share their personal aspirations in public. The Atlantic called it, “one of the most creative community projects ever,” and after receiving many requests, Candy created a website of resources to help others interested in creating Before I Die walls in their own communities.

Thanks to passionate people around the world, over 5,000 Before I Die walls have now been created by communities in over 75 countries, including Iraq, China, Brazil, Kazakhstan, and South Africa. Candy’s 2012 TED talk about Before I Die has been viewed over five million times and translated into over 40 languages. Each wall is created by local residents who want to make a space in their community to reflect with one another. Each wall is a unique tribute to living an examined life. And each wall invites us to restore perspective in an age of increasing distractions.

Candy Chang is an artist, designer, and urban planner who explores making cities more comfortable and contemplative places. She believes in the potential of introspection and collective wisdom in public space to improve our communities and help us lead better lives.


Read more on the website Before I Die.

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